Hello teachers! Thank you for choosing Peak State Mathematics to be a part of your classroom this year. This is my first unit of the year for Geometry. We will be reviewing Algebra 1 and focusing on Solving Linear Equations, Factoring, and Solving by Factoring.
This Unit includes 10 exit slips, a homework assignment (I call homework quiz), a review, and a Unit Test. Each is a Google Form with built in answers for auto grading. The Exit Slips are a “jump to section” form that helps students through one problem. It is designed to get quick feedback after introducing each concept. The homework quiz has 3 problems for each concept (30 questions total). It allows the students to see what questions they got right/wrong and allows them to change their response. The review is similar in grading and provides one additional practice problem for each concept. The test cannot be edited be the students after they respond and is currently set to release their grade manually later by you, the teacher.
Each Exit Slip include screen shot hints if needed and a video.
The homework quiz includes a video per concept.
All of these forms will be yours and are completely customizable moving forwards. Use them as is, or add/delete as needed.
Please feel free to view a sample of each item here for free!
Have an Awesome day! Remember to always learn in a Peak State!
~ Tim (Mr. Freeburg)
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